End a transaction




Shown above is the basic entry used to end a transaction. The purpose of this entry is to store a PNR in the Amadeus database.

The entry consists only of the transaction code ET for "end transaction".

In application, the entry shown above would store a complete PNR and clear the agent work area.



Shown above is another entry that can be used to end a transaction. The purpose of this entry is to store a PNR in the Amadeus database and then retrieve the PNR.

The entry consists of the transaction code ER for "end retrieve".

When you store a PNR with the ET entry, the agent work area is cleared. In order to view the PNR again or do more work on it, you now have to retrieve the filed record from the Amadeus database. By making the ER entry you perform both steps at once. This can be quite useful if you want to save your work, and then recheck it or keep on working


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